New Welsh company, Powder House are looking for 4 x devisor-performers to take part in a week-long R&D of their first project.
Saethu Cwningod / Shooting Rabbits.
Wedi ei ddatblygu mewn cydgynhyrchiad gyda Theatr Genedlaethol a Sherman Theatre.
Developed in coproduction with Theatr Genedlaethol and Sherman Theatre.
Saethu Cwningod / Shooting Rabbits bydd y prosiect cyntaf gan gwmni newydd Cymraeg, Powder House. Trwy lygaid rhyw 200 o wirfyddolwyr Cymraeg aeth i ymladd fel rhan o’r Brigadau Rhyngwladol yn ystod y Rhyfel Cartref yn Sbaen 1936-1939, mi fydd y prosiect yn ymchwilio’r cynnydd mewn cydymdeimlad tuag at wleidyddiaeth asgell dde, ymynysol yn lleol ac ar draws Ewrop, trwy adroddiadau hanesyddol a chyfoes. Mae’r prosiect yn annelu i gwestiynnu perthynas Cymru gyda’r gymuned Ewropeaidd a sut mae gweithredau rhyngwladol yn effeithio’r wlad a’r bobol adref.
Saethu Cwningod / Shooting Rabbits will be the first project by new Welsh company, Powder House. Through the eyes of the 200 or so Welsh volunteers who fought in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939, the project will investigate the rise of right-wing, isolationist sentiment at home and across Europe, in historical and contemporary accounts. The project aims to question Wales’ relationship with the European community and how international actions shape the country and people at home.
Mi gyflwynwyd y darn drwy storïo corfforol a gweledol, gyda arddull amlieithog gan gynnwys y Gymraeg, Saesneg, Sbaeneg, Basgeg a Chatalaneg.
The piece will employ physical, visual storytelling, with a multilingual approach to text in Welsh, English, Spanish, Basque and Catalan.
Necessary skills:
- Experience of devising performance through physical work.
- Ability to play generously.
Desired skills:
- Ability to speak languages listed above.
- Musical ability, instrumental and voice.
This is a paid role offering MRSL grade 2 rate: £455 a week. Please note that we are unable to contribute additional support towards travel and accommodation.
Workshop-auditions to take place 23 March in Cardiff.
Work to take place 17 - 21 April in Cardiff.
To apply, please send a statement of interest along with CV to:
About the company:
Mae Powder House yn gwmni theatr o Gaerdydd sydd yn anelu i greu gwaith cyfoes rhyngwladol gyda llais unigryw Gymreig. Powder House yw Chelsey Gillard & Jac Ifan Moore.
Powder House is a Cardiff-based theatre company aiming to create contemporary international theatre with a distinctly Welsh voice. Powder House is Chelsey Gillard & Jac Ifan Moore.